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This page contains links to videos that will teach you how to perform various procedures on your pet. If there is a technique you would like to have demonstrated that this not on here, send us an email to let us know and we will see if we can find a video on that procedure for you. Of course, you are always welcome to come into the office for a demonstration and instruction, too!
Videos that are helpful for both dog and cat owners:
Although titled for cats, this will help you learn to take your pet's temperature at home
How to Clean and Medicate Your Pet's Eyes:
How to Remove a Tick:
For general information on diagnosing and treating cancer, there are several videos on this site
Tips for Preventing Ticks:
Although it is labeled "Tube Feeding Puppies," this technique for feeding orphan babies is the same for kittens:
This video is titled "Tube feeding a cat with Fatty Liver disease." It describes how to feed a cat (but it is done just the same for dogs) through a pharyngostomy or esophagostomy feeding tube, but the technique is almost identical for a nasogastric or nasoesophageal feeding tube too:
For a description of everything that goes on for a dental cleaning for your pet, watch this behind the scene video
This video will give you detailed information on Periodontal Disease. We recommend that owners with pets scheduled for dental work watch this to help understand your pet's therapy
For a video discussing treatment of periodontal disease, and why we recommend extraction of several diseased/loose teeth go to Periodontal Disease Therapy
Here's a close up on how to trim toe nails:
Here's a video on how to counter condition your dog to tolerate toe nail trims, especially useful for one that is "testy" about having it done:
For cat owners:
Tips on medicating your cat with tablets and capsules, another on How to Give a Cat a Pill or even a third video
How to give a cat a liquid medication
How to manage Destructive Clawing by cats and how to trim your cat's toenails
How to Give Subcutaneous Fluids
Information on sugar diabetes in cats, including treatment, nutrition, how to give insulin injections and dealing with low blood sugar. Here's another video on How to Give Insulin Injections
Tips on cat carrier selection and use:
Training your cat to get into a carrier:
Tips for taking your cat to the vet:
For dog owners:
How to Brush Teeth:
For information on Torn (Ruptured) Cruciate Ligaments (you can also watch a second video by clicking on the "Pet Library" section at left, then entering "Cruciate." At the end of the article is a link to a video on cruciate diagnosis:
Physical Therapy Exercise: Passive Range of Motion for the Front Leg:
Physical Therapy exercises: Passive Range of Motion for the Knee
Behavior modification: Using Treat and Train to teach your dog to relax at front door How to count your pet's Sleeping Respiratory Rate. This video describes a resting respiratory rate, which is usually satisfactory, although most cardiologists are now recommending doing when sleeping |